My first job ever was as a hairdresser and i loved it, i then started modelling and it took me off in a different direction, i continued to do this for the next 20 years. I travelled all over the world, met amazing people and had a lot of fun whilst doing so. I had the privilege of having jobs in front of the camera as diverse as they come. However i was always cutting and styling peoples hair on the side. I use the experience i collected over the years in front of the camera to use behind the camera. Working alongside photographers, art directors and stylists and of course the models to achieve the best look and working enviroment possible………I love making people feel and look good and a passion that turns into a job is the best job you can have!! Paying attention to detail and a passion for being creative i knew it was a direction i would go in. Whilst being made up by some of the best make up artists and some of the worst, i learned a lot and the rest came with lots of practice and a passion to learn.